Student Progress & Achievement

Parent Teacher Interviews


Formal opportunities for parents to meet with teachers and discuss student progress occur twice per year, in Term One and Term Three. Parents however, are welcome to arrange an interview at any time they feel the need by contacting the class teacher or Principal to seek a suitable time. Parents are encouraged to make an appointment rather than just arrive as teachers can often have prior appointments.



Learning Tasks

Learnings tasks are uploaded by teachers during the term to give an insight into what the students are learning in real time. These learnings may include work samples and goals, voice or video recordings.






A detailed report of your child/children’s progress will be sent home at the end of Term 2 and at the completion of the school year. These reports reflect your child’s progress against the Victorian Curriculum standards. It also indicates strengths and areas for improvement and future planning. Electronic copies of student reports can be found on Compass.



Student Recognition


Students are recognised for outstanding achievement each term with the presentation of Achievement Award Badges. Students are selected by teachers for their achievement in learning, personal capabilities, overcoming challenges, demonstrating resilience, community efforts or outstanding progress. These awards are presented at the end of term assembly and badges are taken home and sewn on jumpers or jackets and worn with pride.


Each week classroom teachers and the Principal present “Student of the Week” award certificates at our Friday afternoon assembly. Students are recognised for their efforts and learning in class during the week.


School Spirit Awards are given to students who are noticed going above and beyond behaving in a positive manner and who embody our school values. Once a student has received a school spirit award their name is recorded and entered into a raffle draw at the end of term to win a prize.


Teachers often make chronicle entries on Compass to provide parents with positive notes about student progress, behaviour, participation and effort. Parents are encouraged to regularly log on to Compass to check for these.