Wherever possible, medication should be scheduled outside school hours, eg: medication required three times daily is generally not required during a school day – it can be taken before and after school and before bed.
A medical authority form available from the office must be filled in and signed by the parent. Medication must be clearly labelled with the Student’s name.
It is expected that no child will be sent to school while suffering from contagious diseases, vomiting, diarrhoea, fever, untreated head lice or school sores. Please contact your doctor for advice and guidance when your child is unwell.
Parents are asked to show consideration for other students and staff and not to send their ill children to school.
Annual screening is carried out by a school nursing sister who will:
A dental service is available for students. Contact can be made through the School Dental Service which is located at Wonthaggi.
Parents are encouraged to arrange for their children to receive relevant immunisations. The school must be provided with an immunisation certificate for each new enrolment.
The school is attached to the South Gippsland District Support Services in the Gippsland Region of the Department of Education Counselling, Guidance and Clinical Services.
These services provide valuable assistance and expertise to pupils, teachers and families, with respect to learning problems, speech and behaviour management, crisis management etc. Access to these services is through the school Principal.
Our school can also recommend a range of local private allied health professionals when needed.
At Loch Primary School every effort is made to avoid accidents through close supervision at all times. However, in the event of an accident, we will do our best to contact you, the parent, while taking any emergency action necessary for the child. Wherever possible parents will be consulted before any medical action is taken.
It is vitally important the school has full knowledge of each child’s medical condition. Updates and changes need to be given to the school where necessary.
You can also help in this regard by ensuring that the school always has current telephone numbers for parents and emergency contact persons. Please keep the school informed when changes occur in employment and/or telephone numbers. You are able to update your details on Compass.